Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Last of the year

Hello Aaron (first time),
Haaaaaa.... One year..... Just like that. I have known for one year already. Im sorry but this is just so hard for me to imagine that once was a stranger is now the guy I cant live without. A lot has happened between our friendship and relationship. Let's go down a trip to memory lane. I still remember my first friend in sunway, in MUFY, sat next to you and had the same english class. Then you started approaching me, holding my hand and we started to text a lot. Slowly, I showed you all my pictures during chinese new year and you even celebrated my birthday with me. Just like that, we got together without even asking each other. Having the urge to kiss me after one week of being together, you would always play with my lips when I lay on your lap. It was after that then you kissed me on the lips. We sucked in kissing but we would practise it every night. Slowly, we started sharing dinner and I would I always wait for you to eat dinner with me. As times past, you started to have more indian friends but I was just stuck to you. I guess after that a lot of bad things happened and we were fighting non stop. But we somehow pulled it off. After that, we were closer than ever, we would spend so much time together. I felt really special and happy. Remembering the one week of holiday in March when I played you the first song but I never really got the chance cause you were so busy with them. Slowly, you did not want to go to the foyer, not even to see me but i would still go to school just to hope you would appear. Not to forget when you left your wallet at rock, we ran all the way back to take it. I would always walk you back before I walk back to hostel cause you were scared of the dark and walking alone. After sem 1, we both were apart for one month and we would keep in touch always, skyping and texting like always, playing FIFA against each other. As I thought we were destined to be together, reality hit me and told me we have no future together. The beginning was the toughest time ever for me, I cried so much, I went crazy so much, I just lost myself. But slowly I was able to pick myself back up again. Buying you stuff and pampering you more became something I do because I just cant get you off my mind. Making your birthday special was in my mind all year long and I was glad i was able to make yo cry :P But i  really wanted to go graduation night with you. The new year is coming and I would like to show you my gratitude for you coming into my life. You are the only person I have loved with all my heart and I wont stop.Thank you for coming into my life. All my life I have never depended on anyone especially my emotions and you were the first one i express and depend on. I am sorry for all the dramas and hurt i have caused to you. I hope you understand.  I am really proud of you and what you have achieved and i wish you the best for your future, I hope that we would still be able to be best friends until forever.
Much love,

Thursday, December 25, 2014


This is not a letter to you but a confession that I think you should know about. There are things you do not know about my past which I have not told you (maybe). Well, my policy was always to be as strong as guys, sometimes even stronger. I never needed to depend on anyone or anything my whole life. I dont ever like EVER show any weakness to people. People tend to see me as someone very great because I go through every shit by myself without shedding a tear. Knowing that I depend on you and show my true self to you makes you someone very important to me. You think that I over react to create havoc but actually it is just my way to show my opinion. I dont expect anyone to understand la

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Thanks so much

Dear Bie,
This week was such a magical week. It was fairly good and bad. but thanks so much for taking time and effort to bring us here and there. it was really such an awesome time to be able to play the jet ski with you and play in the beach with you, it was so awesome la. hahahahaha. i hope you enjoyed yourself too :) hahahaaha. did we fight ah? no right? hahahaha!!!!! well, i love you so much and im sorry if i lied to you :) i hope you like everything i got u and the hard disc i got you. take it as a motivation for you to strive in your future. make sure you take something that you are passionate about kay? I will support you in any way i can :) love you!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Dear Mr. Panda,
After one month being away with you, I finally met you! How have you been? I'm doing alright I guess. Been so busy trying to firgure out my life :) I haven't had a lot contact with you because I guess you were visiting most of the time and I was busy with family. I'm glad that everything is settled down and I get to spend some time with you. Thank you so much for dropping me when you were so busy with ur uncle. I really appreciate it. I love you :) hope our friendship will last long :)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

For you

Hey Mr. Panda,
OMG Mr. Panda is like the cutest thing ever. HAAHAHAHAHAHA. ahhhhhh.... this week is such an up and down week. i cried so much this week. first i cried cause you did not reach 72% cause i really wanted you to study in monash with me but its okay that u are studying in Sunway too. I am glad that you got the course that you wanted and enjoy :). i cried again later on cause i tot  thought i was going to lose you cause we wont be talking much and made a drama scene out of it. Im sorry, i shouldn't irrupted. Family problems came up this week and thanks for being there for me. Im happy that you and Wini are doing fine and yea I do get jealous when you talk about how much you want to be with her but hey, im cool :) i love you so much and i love knowing you are happy. i might over react a lot of times but thats for being so understanding. i really appreciate it a lot. I love u so much, way more than i have loved anyone else. hehehehehe xD you are my everything and i love u.