Sunday, March 8, 2015

Late late late post

Dear Babes,
Wow..... Its been some time since i last wrote a letter to you, i guess i was really busy that i had no time to write one. I'm sorry. but still, im still waiting for your long long long text. HAHAHAHA... well, we have been fighting a lot but the fights were all quite healthy i guess, im sorry im not the ideal girlfriend that you would imagine cause i get jealous pretty easily and i tend to be short tempered. You are very kesian because i know u love two girls and you try your best to make both happy. hahahahaha... sadness life. i love you to bits and i cant wait to spend another year with you. we will both get very busy and all but we still will get in touch and be together :) eheheheheheh

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Dear Mr. Panda,
Another week has past yeah? Hahahaha... Thank you for everything this week from helping me with hangers to printer to spending time with me during my birthday. I miss you so much and I love you so much. Thanks for getting the bill and settling everything for me. I owe you too much la.... Sorry that this week we only talked a lot durind my birthday and all. Cny is around the corner and I'm busy preparing for it here and there. Can't wait for you to come to kuching. Sorry for complaining to you about my stomachache and making you worry when I cut or knock or hurt myself. Hahaahah! Was glad to help you do your quiz which sadly we only got 14/15. Dang it... But I'm happy to spend a lot of time with you as much as I can. Thank you babes. I love you a lot and will love you more 😘

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Dear Mr. Panda,
How are you Mr. Panda? Its been 2 weeks since I last spent time physically with you. How time flies huh? 2 more weeks till i see you again. I hope you are doing fine as I know alot of things have happened along the way and you were really bothered about it. We have been quite peaceful this week. I just want you to know that im really proud of your achievement and the decisions that you have made and im so proud of you to be standing here after having so many problems and hurt from everyone. Stronger than ever. Im sorry to offend you today but i really had no intention on doing so. I just wanted you to enjoy your time and just relax and chill with fb and insta. that's really it. I love you talking to me and i know you love it too. Thanks for cheering me up all the time and always try to take out the negativity in me :) I really love you and your presence. :) 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

being strong

Everyone tells me that im such a strong spirited person, a person who is not only strong physically but also mentally. I dont really know whether or not i should be happy about this. At one point, no one has ever seen the weak side of me except for you and I dont really know who to talk to at this time of the day because my thoughts are messing me up. I know its a good thing to be strong and all but they cant take it when im weak and sometimes, i just want to be weak and tell people that I cant handle it. They would always tell me that this is not the strong tham i know, tham is not that weak. i mean urgh..... i just wana break down and cry some times. not all the time i have to be strong. spiritually down. help.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

messed up

Dear Bie,
This week has been really rough and tough for you huh? All the drama and all the bad comments from others have kept you not only agitated but hurt so much, it breaks my heart to see you go through all these and all I can do is sit here and support you morally. I really dont know what is going to happen this week but I pray that things will get better and if it doesn't, I pray that you will have the strength to go through it. I am really sorry for pushing things and not considering Wini in things. I guess my goals were always set and that i  was really selfish and did not care about others' feelings. I hope the future will always stay bright for us. I couldn't sleep well thinking about things, what should I do? What should I feel? What should be done? Why cant I just leave the thoughts at one side? I'm so messed up. I love you so much and I can give up anything for you (except religion) hahahahaha. When you told me how badly you were treated by Wini and how badly people said about you, I only wish and hope that you can take everything in. I feel sad cause I can't offer you a hug or lend you my shoulder as physically I am not present. However, I am happy for you as you are able to pick yourself right up and learn and mature and grow from these situation. I would like to see another Aaron who has his own mindset on things and philosophy one day. I hope the day when you mature is not far from now. I wish you all the best in studies and everything you do in life. About us, I really don't know how to control my feelings for you. I guess I will just have to let time do it's magic.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Dear Bie,
Having the guilt inside me is really killing me, I did not mean to hurt you nor your relationship with wini. I had no intention of slapping you and wrestling you. But thank you so much for teaching me one valuable lesson. You might think its just some bull shit telling you this but i really love you and I really found the purpose of life because of you. Thank you for teaching me something I have never learnt before. I miss you so much, I just want to be with you and just spend time with you. It's been some time when we fought like that and im sorry i was unable to control myself. I feel really bad and guilty. But i really love you without doubt. How I wish we were of the same race. You complete me so much but its just sad we cant grow old together. I hope im able to spend the max amount of time with you while im here.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Last of the year

Hello Aaron (first time),
Haaaaaa.... One year..... Just like that. I have known for one year already. Im sorry but this is just so hard for me to imagine that once was a stranger is now the guy I cant live without. A lot has happened between our friendship and relationship. Let's go down a trip to memory lane. I still remember my first friend in sunway, in MUFY, sat next to you and had the same english class. Then you started approaching me, holding my hand and we started to text a lot. Slowly, I showed you all my pictures during chinese new year and you even celebrated my birthday with me. Just like that, we got together without even asking each other. Having the urge to kiss me after one week of being together, you would always play with my lips when I lay on your lap. It was after that then you kissed me on the lips. We sucked in kissing but we would practise it every night. Slowly, we started sharing dinner and I would I always wait for you to eat dinner with me. As times past, you started to have more indian friends but I was just stuck to you. I guess after that a lot of bad things happened and we were fighting non stop. But we somehow pulled it off. After that, we were closer than ever, we would spend so much time together. I felt really special and happy. Remembering the one week of holiday in March when I played you the first song but I never really got the chance cause you were so busy with them. Slowly, you did not want to go to the foyer, not even to see me but i would still go to school just to hope you would appear. Not to forget when you left your wallet at rock, we ran all the way back to take it. I would always walk you back before I walk back to hostel cause you were scared of the dark and walking alone. After sem 1, we both were apart for one month and we would keep in touch always, skyping and texting like always, playing FIFA against each other. As I thought we were destined to be together, reality hit me and told me we have no future together. The beginning was the toughest time ever for me, I cried so much, I went crazy so much, I just lost myself. But slowly I was able to pick myself back up again. Buying you stuff and pampering you more became something I do because I just cant get you off my mind. Making your birthday special was in my mind all year long and I was glad i was able to make yo cry :P But i  really wanted to go graduation night with you. The new year is coming and I would like to show you my gratitude for you coming into my life. You are the only person I have loved with all my heart and I wont stop.Thank you for coming into my life. All my life I have never depended on anyone especially my emotions and you were the first one i express and depend on. I am sorry for all the dramas and hurt i have caused to you. I hope you understand.  I am really proud of you and what you have achieved and i wish you the best for your future, I hope that we would still be able to be best friends until forever.
Much love,